Over 100 years of experience

Together, our Knowledge Centre consultants share over 100 years of industry experience. They actively participate in technical working groups for organisations such as Indoor Climate Netherlands, TVVL and Eurovent. They know the technical ins and outs and have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the applicable legislation such as EU regulations, the Building Decree and the new environmental law expected to come into force in 2024.

This knowledge is also available to you. We are happy to translate your climate wishes into technical requirements. For example, we use the PVE healthy offices to provide solutions and customisation that we can subsequently offer to you thanks to our own production facilities. We can provide customisation for you with the integrated control technology supplied by us.

We can advise you of healthy solutions that take into account the reduction of any aerogenic contamination in the future. We are happy to discuss the results of this calculation (which is based on the Wells-Riley model) with you and provide you with appropriate and concrete advice.

Contact us


Ir. Gertjan Middendorf
Technical Director

Ing. Kees van Haperen
Consultant Knowledge Center

Ing. Dennis van Eck

+31 6 30966004 +31 30 2748282 +31 6 55163928
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Swimming pool technology
Life Cycle Cost analyse
Installation technology
Ventilation technology

Product development
Air treatment

Eurovent certification
Product development
Control engineering


Jeroen Peek
Control Engineering

Ing. Duncan Reiche

Ing. Jozef Janusch

+31 6 53544856 +31 30 2748282 +31 30 2748282
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Priva software & schedules
Hydraulic circuits
Heat & cold generation
Heat pumps

Selection software RoCalc
Network security
GDPR management

Heat & cold generation
Product development