Liberty Air Handling Units

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The global COVID-19 pandemic brought the importance of good medical care to the fore. Clean, safe air has proven to be an even more essential part of the many challenges facing the entire medical sector.

klikblok oplossingen zwembaden

Swimming Pools

The new Dutch Bhvbz sets strict requirements for air quality for the first time. Prevent your air quality and uniformity of air distribution from becoming a problem in 2024.

klikblok oplossingen chemie

Laboratories | Pharma

Safe and sustainable protection of people and the environment is at the heart of the design for laboratory air treatment systems.

klikblok oplossingen voeding


Consumers rightly place high demands on the food and drink that we and our pets consume every day.

klikblok oplossingen scholen


A good indoor climate in schools is important to create a healthy and comfortable environment. How can you translate your climate wishes into safe requirements?

klikblok oplossingen gestapeldewoningbouw

Stacked Housing

Classically, the ventilation in Stacked housing is controlled decentrally. Wouldn’t one good central system be much better? Read about the benefits and how we have been doing this for years here.

klikblok oplossingen retrofit


ErP regulations mean everything is designed to be more energy efficient. This is not only good for the climate, but also for the lifespan of installations and, of course, energy costs.

klikblok oplossingen kantoren


A good indoor climate in offices is important to create a healthy and comfortable working environment. How can you translate your healthy climate wishes into healthy requirements?